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In majority of the world marijuana is ILLEGAL-to varying degrees. For example, in most Asian countries mere possession of a minimal amount of marijuana is punishable by life in prison.

However, in other countries in Europe, such as Amsterdam in the Netherlands, possession of marijuana is legal as long as used in designated areas (home, coffeeshops).

Furthermore, in Pakistan, there is widespread use of hashish and bhang (marijuana powder) by thousands of laborers and street-dwellers without punishment. However, one must use caution in Arab countries as the Islamic punishment for drugs and alcohol are harsh, even ending in death for distribution (Koran laws against drugs).

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There currently (October 2014) are no places in the Caribbean where you can legally smoke marijuana. However, Jamaica is considering making changes to their marijuana regulations.

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Not in America. Try Europe or something... Or you could just not do it at all.

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Q: Where is it legal to cultivate marijuana?
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Any plant that you are growing will require water if there has not been enough rain. You would cultivate marijuana (strictly for medical purposes) in the same way that you would cultivate corn.

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Industrial marijuana is legal. Marijuana, that can be used for intoxication purposes, is illegal.

What are the Marijuana laws in CA?

In California, marijuana is legal for recreational and medical use for adults aged 21 and older. Adults can possess up to one ounce of marijuana for recreational use and cultivate up to six plants per residence. It is still illegal to consume marijuana in public spaces or while operating a vehicle.

Where can marijuana be seen easily?

Marijuana can be easily seen in areas where it is legal to cultivate, sell, and consume. This includes some dispensaries, certain social events or gatherings, and in countries or states where it is decriminalized or legalized. Otherwise, it may be encountered in regions where its use is more discreet or underground.

Is marijuana is legal in medical use?

Medical marijuana is legal with a prescription from your doctor.

Is marijuana legal in Australia?

Marijuana is not legal in Australia, and driving under the influence of marijuana carries severe penalties.

Is marijuana legal in Thailand?

No it is not legal

Is marijuana legal in Iowa?

Marijuana is not legal in any state but California so far.

Legal buds is it real marijuana or is it fake marijuana?

it is legal and alot more stronger.

Can medical doctors cultivate marijuana in their own back yards?

sure, just don't get caught

Is Marijuana legal in Panama?

marijuana is legal NO WHERE but its highly tolerable like Jamaica or Amsterdam but you can get a prescription