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Q: Where does all4tubekids from you tube live?
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Were does Brittany and brianna live on all4tubekids?

They live in central New Jersey

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The last name of the all4tubekids is Waters.

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I think the dad and mother got divorced back when Brittany and Brianna were little kids

Where does the tube worm live?

They live in the Murray River.

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What is a purple tube sponge what are you on?

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What type of animals and plants live on the tube?

I don't understand your reference to 'the tube' -please explain what this is.

What type of environment do tube worms live?

they live in the tubal enironments of Scandinavia

Why does the tube worm live on turtles?

we dont know

Do giant tube worms live on land?


How do ants live in a test tube?

i dont know what do, think