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You could go to a piercing studio and get some expensive special formula (and that probably would be the best, because it would have a little more than just salt in it), OR you can go to any grocery store and buy sea salt :) It comes in shakers and grinders like regular salt. Anyone who cares about cooking uses sea salt rather than regular salt.

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13y ago

You can buy saline solutions at Walmart and drugstores but its easier/cheaper to just mix it yourself. Plus, you can be sure that there isnt anything else mixed in there. Mix 1/4 teaspoon of natural sea salt with 8oz. of warm water.

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Q: Where do you get the salt water to clean piercings?
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Can you clean your navel piercing with regular salt from your kitchen and warm water?

Yes. Using salt water is a great way to clean surface piercings and is all natural. It's also great for cleaning other wounds, infections, etc.

What natural chemicals clean lip piercings?

Sea salt is the best thing for piercing cleaning. Just let it dissolve in warm water first.

Can you go in the ocean with a tragus piercing?

Yes, in fact the saltwater may be benneficial to the piercings healing process. I only use all natural sea salt in warm water to clean my piercings and have yet to have a single issue with any of them.

What do you clean lip piercings with?

sea salt/saline spray & neosporin cream on the outside and that's it

Can vodka be used to clean piercings?

No, and not because it's drinkable alcohol. Any form of alcohol kills the new cells that are healing the piercing along with bacteria. Peroxide and alcohol shouldn't be used on piercings. Soaking your piercing in salt water is good for piercings, and helps prevent and treat infections.

Is sea salt good for healing ear piercings?

With warm water, yeah.

Can you use salt to clean your cartilage piercing?

Not just regular table salt. You need to use natural sea salt. Otherwise it could have stuff added to it that's not ideal for piercings :)

What do I do if you run out of After Care Lotion for ear piercings?

You dont need any after care lotion for ear piercings. Natural sea salt and water is fine.

How do you clean salt water with the sun?

The water will evaporate and salt will be left ... so unless you want salt it is imposible to clean salt water with the sun

What happens to bacteria if you put salt on it?

The salt draws the water out of the bacteria. This causes them to shrivel up and die, literally. This is why people use saline solution on piercings and gargle salt water.

Can you swim In salt water after you get your ears pierced?

Yes, so long as the piercings have healed properly.

Should you use salt water on a piercing?

Sea salt rinses are the cleanser of choice for all body piercings in my opinion. A lot of piercers will sell a spray called H2Ocean, which is basically salt water in a spray can. I just take a Q-tip and dunk it into a measuring cup with a pinch of sea salt in it, the rule of thumb is one pinch of sea salt (SEA SALT, not iodized table salt, know the difference!) for one cup of warm water. You do NOT need a stronger salt mix, this could potentially irritate the skin. The salt will draw out moisture, lymph, and promote your body's natural healing defenses to take over. Just take a Q-tip with your salt mix and clean it two or three times a day and be sure to wear clean loose fitting clothing until it's healed!