If you go on eBay you can buy brand new piercing set and theyre even sterelized them for you! they are very cheap usally but remember you'll need the full kit not bits and pieces! :)
You can buy them from different Websites which produce them. Another way to get Belly Button Body Jewellery is buying them in a normal jewellery store or, of course, from friends.
Check out this link.
When you get your belly button pierced, the person doing it will generally, if not always, use a stainless steel belly button ring. At least they will if they're a professional, and if not you don't really need to get a piercing from them anyway.This will have to stay in until the piercing is properly healed and then you can put in a clear or plastic retainer, available in different colors.
If not cleaned properly, belly button rings can get infected.Bacteria can get inside and therefore infect the naval.The best way to treat it is to buy sea salt spray and clean it.
Just buy regular salt, or you can go back I your Piercer and get something.
it is if you just got it buy if not go get that checked
Claire's Ardene's and almost any junk jewellery boutique.
If you are asking that question you should know right off the bat that piercing kits are nothing but trouble. Trust a professional, when I tell you to go see a professional body piercer for your piercings, I am telling you so you end up with great piercings and not some mess you will regret. The piercing kits are a cash grab, the materials are cheap and the jewellery is junk, save your money.
Probably no where. Dubai is located in Saudi Arabia which from my knowledge is a very strict muslim country, so women do not get their belly buttons pierced.
It depends on what you are getting done; my friend and I got piercings today. She got ear, you buy a set of earrings and they pierce you for free. I got belly/navel; belly, nipple and mostly everything else is $34.99 and it includes a stud/ring.
As with any professional body piercing, prices can vary from studio to studio and city to city. Your best bet is to call the local shops in your area a do a little price shopping, but be sure you ask about the piercer's experience and training as well as spore tests, health inspections and age requirements. Do your home work before you buy, and don't base it solely on price, good piercings are not cheap and cheap piercings are never good.
Yes! They sure do! I bought a pack of 5 for £9.00 or you can buy one for £2.50.