You find a licensed Class III dealer to do the receiving, then you submit the BATFE paperwork and get the NFA tax stamp. Once that's done, you can buy the rifle and have it transferred to you through the NFA dealer.
yes its full auto, and semi
The semi-auto and full auto AK-47s have different designs. Not only does the full auto have different parts, but those parts cannot fit in the semi-auto only version of the AK-47. It is against US law to have a semi-auto that can be "readily converted" to full auto.
By definition, an AK-47 that can fire full-auto is a sub-machinegun (and/or an automatic rifle), and not a "'machine gun."
A transferrable, full auto AK would be in the 10000 dollar range £180 or roughly $360
Depends on the laws where you are. If it is a semi auto, there is no Federal law requiring registration. Full auto, yes.
Semi auto; 100-1000 USD Transferable full auto 15-20K or more.
For a semi-auto clone, 18. For an NFA licenced, tax stamped full auto weapon, 21. That's in the US. Ages and legality will vary in other countries.
It is listed as 300 Meters on full auto, and 400 meters on semi-auto. I personally find that a bit generous.
Avtomat Kalishnikov
There is no such thing as a cheap AK 47. However, if you are looking for an inexpensive, semi automatic version of the AK 47, the WASR will fill the bill.
AK-47's are NOT illegal in the United States. Semi Automatics are totally legal and full auotmoatic ones can be purchased with a special liscence. Check your local laws but deer hunting with a semi-auto AK-47 should be totally fine!