The semi-auto and full auto AK-47s have different designs. Not only does the full auto have different parts, but those parts cannot fit in the semi-auto only version of the AK-47. It is against US law to have a semi-auto that can be "readily converted" to full auto.
The actual AK-47 and AKM are selective fire rifles, with both semi-automatic and full auto capabilities. There are several semi-auto clones of the AK series rifles manufactured for the civil market, paramilitary forces not authorised fully automatic weaponry, etc., but the only purpose built, semi-automatic true AK was the Romanian G model.
yes its full auto, and semi
440 yards (semi automatic) and 330 yards (fully automatic).
18 years old for semi automatic 21 for a registered fully automatic
There is no such thing as a cheap AK 47. However, if you are looking for an inexpensive, semi automatic version of the AK 47, the WASR will fill the bill.
An original AK-47 is a select-fire rifle which is capable of fully automatic fire. However, there are many semi-automatic AK variants out there, but they are not truly AK-47s. This may also be helpful: AK-47 stands for automatov kalashnikov 47, which translates to automatic kalashnikov and the 47 refers to the weapons date of Patton (1947).
AK-47 models are not fully illegal, it's that the fully automatic variants are restricted to military usage and thus a typical civilian cannot get easy ownership of such rifle. However, semi-automatic versions are legal for civilians to own. If you live in a place where semi-automatic rifles aren't restricted, then you're in luck to getting the semi-auto AK-47.
If you are referring to an actual firearm, no. Ebay does not permit the sale of firearms.
a semi automatic, in most states yes. in some you have to be 21 to purchase a rifle.
they used cannons knives and guns.
I assume you mean full-automatic variation of an AK-47. It's called an AK-47 or Avtomat Kalashnikova 47 originally developed in the 1940s in the Soviet Union by Mikhail Kalashnikov. Any semi-automatic AK-47 is not truly a Kalashnikov. For example, the variant made in Romania in the 1950s is actually a clone designated the WASR-10.
You can actually. However it has to have certain parts on it replaced so that it does not fire as an automatic. It also has to have a certain number of US made parts.. I would suggest looking for an SAR1 it is a romanian model of the AK semi-automatic.. but it looks exactly the same