Friend requests on Facebook come up in the top left corner of the screen next to the messages and notifications.
this doesnt really make sense but i guess what you're saying is that how your accept friend requests that have gone. what you do, if you remember the person's name, search them up and respond to request.
Ignore their Facebook requests. If they don't like you, they're just setting you up for cyber-bullying online.
Yes! He accepts stars, and fans! Just search up Glad to help.
I really don't know. U can follow people by looking them up + click follow though which is similar. I heard the friend thing is glitched.
Facebook allows up to 25 requests per day.
how can I find my friend on face book? She gave me the correct spelling of her name. It just wont come up.
Click of the friend request icon it'll show up Watch This image or Link below
click refresh or hit F5, suggestions only come up if the facebook systems think its a worthy suggestion
My facebook account will not come up
When you block someone on facebook they have no access to anything of yours on facebook. If they type your name is search nothing will come up. If you and the blocked person have a friend in common and you post something on your friends page and the blocked person see's it your name will come up as Facebook user. As well when you block someone you are blocking yourself from them aswell. So the same rules apply to you aswell.
Under your profile there's a tab with events / history. If someone adds you as a friend their request should pop up there. Otherwise just find out their steam ID and add them as a friend using that.
Apparently not. Isaac, Sam, Sammy, Harsha, all do, and none of them have him as a friend, nor does he come up during a people search.