don't just choose a girlfriend based on whether they are bisexual...
but girls tend to be more open about their bisexuality (it still depends about where you are...but in NY most people are open about their sexuality)
You don't... if you love her. Just ask her, if she doesn't want to, find another girlfriend because she is not truly bisexual in that case.
Sounds like he is trying to find a comfort spot to confess a little secret.
'I'm bisexual'
Straight girls and guys are the majority then gay then bisexual. straight girls on accasion you will find a lesbian
Depends if you are a boy or girl searching for a girlfriend.
Yes. Unless your girlfriend is bisexual, and her best friend is bisexual or gay.
Some guys who have a girlfriend prefer hanging out with their girlfriend depending on their age. Other's prefer their friends and may not have a girlfriend.
If he likes guys, he is gay or at least bisexual.
they find out that they're bisexual and if they think you are good friend and not a gossip or jedgemental then they will tell you i know because i'm bisexual and if anyone is gonna ask how i know this is my answer i had a crush on a male friend in yr 5 and i have a girlfriend now
Gay guys, straight guys, and bisexual guys can all get tattoos.
We can not know that and thus can not provide you with an answer.