you can't. it has a copyright and where it is avoidable it only has the table of contents. i would recommend you check the book out at your local library or buy it from a bookstore. Or borrow it from your friend.
Most boys love smart girls
If they are smart they will.
No, some girls do but some girls like guys that are smart
No. not girls are boys are smarter. There is some smart girls and some smart boys
Go to your search engine and type in book name and add virtual version. good luck.
Girls are smarter than boys by one percent -.-
Girls have their own type in boys some want bad boys ,good boys , smart boys ugly boys , cute boys.
Who use the internet more girls or boys?
Well...... not most girls do but probably some girls with potheads might be right for pothead boys.
because boys are gay and girls are smart
Regularly yes, girls tend to be bullied by other girls and other boys on the internet more than boys.
because frankly, girls are smart. and boys arejust worried about new shoes, black ops & porn.