If you're looking to purchase tattoo supplies for yourself, Worldwide Tattoo Supply is a great place to go for your tattoo supplies and equipment. They also carry everything from the needles and ink, to the machines, power supplies and flash packs.
Tatwax offers quality tattoo supplies at a reasonable price. We offer products such as Tattoo Stencils Gel, Original Soothing Balm, Protective Tattoo Film, and more. Our soothing balm is made up of a formula that comprises only natural ingredients, vitamins, and minerals known for healing. It doesn't clog pores and will not be harsh on your skin. It will allow your skin to breathe while minimizing the irritation and help in proper healing for your new tattoo.
Tattoo needles do not "turn around", tattoo machines repeatedly pierce the skin with ink. Different needles are used for coloring, and outlining. The Needles used for outlining are thinner than the needles used for coloring.
They are for fine lines and detail that's in the tattoo you can also use this needle to do awhole tattoo for lines and shading without changing needles
Gerard Way does not have a tattoo. He is deathly afraid of needles.
Autoclaves, brah.
No you can't use rubbing alcohol to sterilize tattoo needles. Rubbing alcohol might disinfect the needles but sterilization for tattoo equipment is usually done with a "Steam Sterilizer (Autoclave)" which removes spores by applying heat and pressure to the equipment.
it madders how big it is and where you buy them
if their needles aren't clean it will.
I wouldn't reuse tattoo needles due to risk of spreading infections or diseases, even if an ultrasonic cleaner is being used. It's just not worth the risk for how little you have to pay for needles. You can pay about 12 dollars for around 50 needles of your choosing on most websites.
The key for a great tattoo using the proper equipment. Start with some Long taper needles like these http://www.ebay.com/itm/Bugpin-bug-pins-long-taper-11-curved-mags-round-magnums-tattoo-needles-11cm-11rm-/120811530400?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item1c20eda8a0 The better the needles the better your tattoo will come out