Try on line auctions, gun shops, gun shows, pawn shops, for sale ads, want ad, shotgun news, egunparts, garage sales, estate sales.
One can buy parts for a Savage Kimel Kamper KK1 as of 2014 at a few locations. These parts can be purchased through gun retailers, gun auctions, and gun classifieds.
Check with numrich gun parts corp.they can be found on the web.
Gun show, gun shops, pawn shops, estate sale, garage sale, want ad, for sale ad, egunparts
If you have lead a good life and are REAL lucky- maybe. That gun dates to 1982, It was made by Invest Arms of Italy- and is still made by them as their Model 70. Depends on what part you need,
The model is obsolete, however we have a good supply of parts for that model.
What model????
I have parts for that model.
I have a fairly complete selection of parts for this model.
High Stadnard made the shotgun. Some parts are the same as the Higgins model 66. and a few parts are the same of the later High Stadnard Supermatic shotgun models See the parts lists at
You can purchase parts for a Ranger model 30 16 gauge shotgun at these locations. Gunbroker, Topgunsupply, Budsgunshop, Gunpartshop and Midwayusa.
We have SOME original parts for that model, we make others.