One can buy parts for a Savage Kimel Kamper KK1 as of 2014 at a few locations. These parts can be purchased through gun retailers, gun auctions, and gun classifieds.
Check with numrich gun parts corp.they can be found on the web.
Gun show, gun shops, pawn shops, estate sale, garage sale, want ad, for sale ad, egunparts
Try on line auctions, gun shops, gun shows, pawn shops, for sale ads, want ad, shotgun news, egunparts, garage sales, estate sales.
Try gun shops and gun shows.
Shark vacuum parts can be purchased at a discounted price on the website Amazon. Other good discounts are available for Shark vacuum parts on the website eBay.
Small block Chevy,because parts are available almost anywhere.
BLue Book of Gun values and compeleted auctions are your best first step.
Try egunparts, estate sales, for sale ads, want ads, garage sales, pawn shops, on line auctions.
Yes. It is called a Vehicle Repair Manual available at any Auto Parts store for anywhere from $11.00-$20.00. Chilton or Haynes.
Gun shop, gun show, estate sale, garage sale,
A car can be repaired anywhere provided it's in a safe place and you have the right tools and parts, however it's best to repair a car in a purpose built garage where all the right tools, equipment, skills and parts are available.