For sale ads, pawn shops, gun shops, gun shows, estate sales, garage sales
You might be able to find an SKS in the $150 - $200 price range.
$200 - $300
In the vicinity of $200 for a basic Type 56 carbine, up to $500 - $600 for some of the more 'exotic' models, like the paratrooper carbine, and detachable magazine SKS D and SKS M rifles.
you can find sks rifle at virtually any gun shop but searching for a Chinese version may be a little more difficult.
No. PA does not require gun registration- and the SKS is not an assault rifle- it is a semi auto rifle with a fixed magazine.
Depending on condition, Chinese SKS carbines currently run $200-$300. Carbine selling for $500 New Zealand dollars at the moment
One can purchase an SKS rifle from a variety of locations. These include a good hunting store, a rifle store, and some of the larger supermarkets such as Walmart.
Value of Rifle by Norinco SKS 7.62x39 with and without wood stock?
romanian serial number 1841899n sks rifle what year is this rifle
18, just like any other rifle.
The SKS isn't an assault rifle, and the value may range from $100 to over $1000, depending on specifics.