The SKS isn't an assault rifle, and the value may range from $100 to over $1000, depending on specifics.
about $200.00 In MINT condition, no you can easily get 400-500 for it.
If your Winchester model 1906 rifle is in near mint condition,having between 80%-90% of its original finish remaining.Then the value will be between 675-925 dollars.
it all depends on the shape and condition of the rifle if its mint condition you could get up to $20,000! If its in poor condition then it could go for $100
Of course rifle condition is a big factor. If its mint condition I would say about $275
In excellent (mint) condition $400-450 retail but they are not a fast seller...
Depending on model and exact condition, $150-$200
$100 to $125
Around $500 for LNIB
hat is 45-70 rRichdson
Around 200 in mint as of 2009 it will go up in value being the first semi auto .22 rifle
depending on condition and bore, Mint means like out of the box new condition with no dings and mint bore. I would think $ 300 to $550. depending on the market. Check some of the web sites for list prices. The 257 Roberts is a wanted rifle for collectors.