you can find them pretty much anywhere, just search them on the web.
Go to for a height and weight chart that will help you figure out where you're at on the recommended scale.
There are many weight charts available for reference. here is one height/weight chart you can use:
a scatter plot you can put the weight on the X axies and the height on the Y axies
It depends on their age, height, and gender. You would have to look for a "children height weight chart" its easy to find an online search engine.
100 cm height 20 kg weight
When you say "expert diet chart" and "develop weight", are you saying you want to lose weight, gain weight, or find out if your weight is healthy? Please feel free to ask the question again.
A weight watchers weight chart is a chart of weights and goals for your weight loss. As well as comparison to height, age and what weight one should be due to those statistics.
One can find a pregnancy weight gain chart by visiting the BabyMed website. Other places that one can find a pregnancy weight gain chart are WebMD and Baby Corner.
It depends on your weight and your height. Chek a height and weight chart.
It depends on your height, from the BMI chart you'll than find your ideal weight. This will tell you if your at normal weight, overweight, or obese.
Your health sugar levels are based on your height age and weight. You should go to WebMD and look at the chart that they have available for it.