Rite Aide or Vons
PS.. Vons has the actually game card that costs only $10 for 300 gems and a monthly residency, but at Rite Aide you get the 1001 Games game card for $20 and get 600 gems (I don't think you get the memembership though..)
u can buy an ourworld card at Kroger, Toys R' Us, or Safeway :)
ride aid
you can buy Toontown game cards in Walgreen's or probably in game stop
a Brag Bag is a bag where you can Brag about your items in the game.
Ourworld residency cards cost around 10 in stores. It comes with 300 gems and a 1 month residency =) -MeganHatesMatt
There are several ways to gain gems in ourWorld: 1. Buy gems 2. Complete offers for gems 3. Become a resident 4. Use Gem Codes To learn more on ourWorld, visit this site -- http://ourWorld-Guide.com
ourWorld is a social game where teens can interact in a virtual world! You can learn more about outWorld by visiting this site -- ourWorld-Guide.com
krista jolie made ourworld
There isn't a cheat for that... You would have to actually buy them and that would cost a ton of money.
Kroger,CVS,Rite Aid, and any local supermarket you can purchase the card:)
if the question is who invented ourworld and i am assuming you mean the game, Flowplay
OurWorld is a game like Smallworlds.