

Best Answer

Kroger,CVS,Rite Aid, and any local supermarket you can purchase the card:)

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Q: Where can you buy an ourworld game card?
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Related questions

Where can you buy ourworld resident cards?

u can buy an ourworld card at Kroger, Toys R' Us, or Safeway :)

Where can you buy an ourworld gift card online?

you can buy them at toys r us and asda online

Should you buy an ourworld card at Safeway or Toys R Us?

Safeway. It's cheaper

Where do you put in the ourworld game card code in?

i think you put it in the box where the gem codes go.

How do you buy an ourworld game card and where?

OK can go to Walmart. to buy them get money then take it to the cash register then it is yours if you mean how to redeem it then go log in to our world go to the upgrade thing at the top then click card then type in the code then yeah if that don't wok go to Google.

How much is an ourworld card?

An Ourworld card is only $20.00. The most popular place to get them is at Toys R Us

How do you buy things from a brag bag on ourworld?

a Brag Bag is a bag where you can Brag about your items in the game.

Can you use itunes card for ourworld?


How do you get gems for now in ourworld game?

There are several ways to gain gems in ourWorld: 1. Buy gems 2. Complete offers for gems 3. Become a resident 4. Use Gem Codes To learn more on ourWorld, visit this site --

How do you be a resident on ourworld?

There's three things you can do to be a resident on ourWorld:Buy an ourWorld card at a store. One store is Toys R Us. They're not availiable at Target or Wal-Mart...On ourWorld, use your credit card (Or your parents, but ask permission first..) to purchase residency/ zoes club. You can find it in the "Upgrade now tab"On ourWorld, if you have enough gems, you can buy a pass. You can buy a 1 month or 3 month pass. The passes don't come with gems though.Hope that helped [:

Is ourworld a game?

ourWorld is a social game where teens can interact in a virtual world! You can learn more about outWorld by visiting this site --

Who made ourworld game?

krista jolie made ourworld