Atrazine is a herbicide. You can buy it at Wall-Mart.
It will disable the process of germination. After applying a herbicide in that nature or any type of weed killer/ preventer, you should wait 4 to 6 week before reseeding.
form_title= Organic Herbicide form_header= Use organic herbicide and help the environment. What is the square footage of your lawn?*= _ [50] Are you using more than one herbicide?*= () Yes () No What kind of vegetation will be using the herbicide?*= _ [50]
Because the crop you are using is tolerant to the herbicide you are using, you can use more before it will damage the crop. Because of this, you use more herbicide to kill the unwanted flora.
A herbicide kills weeds and an insecticide kills insects. :)
You use a herbicide to control clover not a pesticide.
If hoeing doesn't remove all the weeds from your flower bed you may need to resort to using a herbicide.
The herbicide Basta works in an intricate way dealing with the systemic process of the plants which it is used to kill. The herbicide is taken into the plants through the roots and then the plant will distribute it throughout the body of the plant to areas where the herbicide can take its effect.
form_title= Crossbow Herbicide form_header= Keep your plants growing healthy with Crossbow herbicide. Have you ever used herbicide before?*= () Yes () No Are you using it to kill weeds or brush?*= () Yes () No What is the square footage of your yard?*= _ [50] Do you have any pets?
The word you are looking for is herbicide.
step up to the plant, go to your items, click use herbicide.