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14 chapters
Red crystals
Buy them from a item merchent in any town.
Zenonia happened in 2008.
Save your current game and stop playing Zenonia 3. Then go to the folder where the save file is stored ("C://Program Files/Zen3/Save/"). Copy it to your desktop. Uninstall Zenonia 3 and install Zenonia 2: A masters passage to the Happy Dragon. Copy the save file to the "C://Program Files/Zen2/Save/" folder. Start the game, your stats for Gquint should be sky high (Gquint is a hidden character). Export the character's stats using Notepad++ and import in Zenonia 3.
Zenonia was created on 2008-08-28.
Go to a hardware store and buy one.
Grand Exchange
just go outside the town, u will see a diamond like rock. there go to its left and jam the attack button(it will use pickaxe) until it get destroyed.. (and if u dont see one, go back to the town and get back again until u see one)