Gloria Vanderbilt was an early developer of designer blue jeans. Her jeans were more tight fitting than the other jeans of the time and may have opened up the door for other companies.
Gloria Laura Vanderbilt is an actress, heiress, and socialite most noted as an early developer of designer blue jeans. She is a member of the prominent Vanderbilt family of New York and the mother of CNN's Anderson Cooper.
Gloria Vanderbilt you could say became famous in 1935 during her parents bitter divorce and custody battle. In 1955 she was in movies. The part of her life that really makes her famous would be in the 1970's when she got into fashion. When you mention Gloria Vanderbilt you immediately associate her with fashion.
They are still selling at Kmart, Sears Costco. My 32 year old daughter loves them as do I
Gloria Vanderbilt, a fashion designer, mostly famous for some of the first designer blue jeans. Anderson Cooper had 2 older brothers that died: one from a heart problem and one from jumping out of a high rise in NYC. == ==
The Sunset Cove line from Gloria Vanderbilt is available at Belk, Sears, and Kohl's. Many different styles of Sunset Cove jeans are available on eBay.
yes, they are first cousins I am interested in purchasing the biography Gertrude Vanderbilt Whitney by B H Friedman can anyone help?
The Gloria Vanderbilt clothing line is sold at major department stores such as Macy's and JCPenney. There is a large selection of women's pants by Gloria Vanderbilt available at Kohl's as well.
George Washington Vanderbilt (Biltmore) is the Great Uncle to Gloria. They share a Paternal Grandfather, Cornelius Vanderbilt.
Gloria is alive and she is 85. She just had a birthday in Feb.
$200 M according to