You can find a list of the top ten best prank call ideas on the website topten which hosts a large number of top ten charts. Alternatively the website known as buzzle offers a few ideas for funny prank call ideas.
a good website to go on 4 prank calling is hope you have fun
Good question. You can call them to find out.
A girl gets good ideas from songs from her experiences or stories she's heard. She can also get it from other peoples lives or her wishes.
Now That's What I Call Quite Good was created in 1988.
You can find jobes for commercial by looking online at agencies and seeing when there latest casting call will be. I know because my friend is trying to get into the commercial biz. Good Luck You can find jobes for commercial by looking online at agencies and seeing when there latest casting call will be. I know because my friend is trying to get into the commercial biz. Good Luck
it wouldn't be a good one....
a really great prank call website is its an awesome site but you only get 3 free prank calls everyday.
call pizza nova and ask for pizza pizza's number!
foil everything! or tie all the desks and chiar together... :]]
PrankDial is the most well known and original prank call website, although I don't suggest prank calling anybody as this is illegal in most countries and can get you in big trouble.
You may wish to call the police and report it. It means little good, though I suppose kids could be playing a very bad prank.
Well, usually prank calling is made to have fun. But it depends on two things the "people you prank call" and what you say "on the prank call" that defines if it's bad. The people because sometime people get really annoyed & might even attempt to call the police. And what you say because if you say something too bad that causes big effects, the police might get involve in it & get to you. So if you're gonna prank call be aware of the things you say & who you prank call !
you could make someone kiss a guy/girl they hate you could make them prank call you could make them ask someone out do those give you some good ideas
A prank call is a type of practical joke where the caller deceives the person who answers the phone with a hoax or a made-up story in order to trick or annoy them. It is usually done for amusement or to get a reaction out of the person receiving the call.
a good website to go on 4 prank calling is hope you have fun
Not hardly! Perhaps FAKING breaking a hand might be a decent prank but any prank that results in actual physical harm is assault, not a prank.