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Revelation was a brand name used by Western Auto hardware stores for guns sold by them, but made by others. If yours is a single shot .22 bolt action rifle, whose safety goes on when you open the bolt, your rifle is a Mossberg Model 320B (Known as the Boy Scout model) The best source for Mossberg parts is Havlin Sales. Add dot com, and you have their address. Mr. and Mrs. Havlin are very nice people, and run the Mossberg Collectors Association. It would have helped to know what part you are looking for.

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Q: Where can i find parts for a revelation .22 rifle. model R100B?
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Who manufacture the revelation 22 caliber rifles model R100B?

The Revelation 22 Model R100B caliber rifle was manufactured by Mossberg. The company Western Auto Supply is known to sell both these rifles as well as the cartridges for the rifle.

Where can you find parts for Revelation model 120 rifle?

Numrich Arms is a good source for gun parts.

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Where can you find parts for a Revelation model 160 22 caliber rifle?

If your rifle is a tube magazine type semi auto, it was made under the Revelation brand for Western auto by Savage, and is known as the Model 80. SOME parts may beavailable from a gunsmith, or sources such as Depending on the parts needed, the cost may be more than the value of the rifle.

Can you find a clip for a Revelation model 107 22 mag W.M.R. rifle by Western Auto Supply Co?

go to e-gun part

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What is the value of a revelation 5115-4X rifle?

Please check your model number and repost. That is not listed as a Revelation rifle model, but it IS the model number of a 4 power telescope sold by Western Auto.

Who made revelation model 110 22 rifle?

I think Savage did. sorry it was not a savage. the revelation model 110 was a marlin model 81.

Did savage build 22Mag bolt rifle under Revelation model 107 name?

Revelation Model 107 was made by Mossberg (Model 640K)

What is the rate of twist in a Revelation Model R220A rifle?


What year was this rifle made revelation model R312AB?

No sn data