Womenshealthmag.com has 67 befor and after photos and stories of weight loss stories. The Stories include tips on how they lost the weight, what inspired them and how they are contuing to lose or maintain the weight loss.
Before and after pictures of weight loss from diets can be found on any weight loss programs main website, or you can pull up a picture book of them.
There are several sites of personal blogs, where people post pictures of their weight loss. I didn't find a specific website providing just pictures of people and their weight loss.
Many doctors, companies, clinics and patients post before and after weight loss pictures. You can view some of them at www.youtube.com/watch?v=RrDpEI9FpZ0, www.fitnessmagazine.com/weight-loss/...lost/before-and-after-weigh, and www.womansday.com/...Weight-Loss/10-Incredible-Weight-Loss.
Weight loss pictures can be very inspiring to those who wish to lose weight. Before and after pictures, however, don't tell the whole story. Consult your physician.
The best answer is that you just need to do a simple search of "before after bariatric pictures". There are literally hundreds of medical center / physician sites with the pictures you are looking for.
Before and after weight loss pictures are usually located on diet websites. Anything advertising easy weight loss will offer a selection of before and after pictures to support their product. Whether they are real or not is always debatable. For legitimate pictures, try your gym's notice board; quite often gym members will post photos of their progress. You could even try your gym's Facebook page.
You can go to http://www.yourbariatricsurgeryguide.com/photo-gallery/ and view numerous photos of before and after photos of weight loss surgery patients. This website includes before and after pictures of several different types of weight loss surgery including: lap band surgery, gastric bypass surgery, and gastric sleeve surgery.
You can find gastric bypass surgery before and after, physician details, and pictures as well as true stories of those who have gotten the surgery done at obeseinfo.com
Pictures of several different people before and after weight loss surgery can be found on the site http://www.fitnessmagazine.com/weight-loss/success-stories/25-pounds-lost/before-and-after-weight-loss-success-photos/?page=1. It is easy to see that the surgery can make a huge difference in one's appearance.
Most doctors will not perform bariatric surgery unless you are obese. The pictures requested are available at: www.webmd.com/.../weight-loss-surgery/slideshow-weight-loss-surgery
Advertisements showing real people with before and after pictures can be very convincing. After all, it proves that a specific product can help you to achieve results. However, it is important to keep in mind that many people in the weight loss before and after pictures are paid money to lose weight quickly, which is a great motivator but something that most people do not get to have. Also, the products featured are not the only thing used to achieve that weight loss. A very low calorie diet, in combination with exercise, is the real cause of any rapid weight loss.
Sometimes, to find real photographs of before and after results of weight loss surgery can be a challenge. The Internet is full of doctored and fake photography, where the image is manipulated to make it seem like a patient lost a ton of weight after surgery and looks great. Beware of photographs from sites and sources that do not have a credible testimony! The best way to find real pictures of weight loss surgery is to visit reputable medical sites, or request appropriate material from your surgeon or family physician. This will give a much more realistic weight loss goal.