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Legally, no you cannot. There is a federal law against it. You might be able to buy it from people illegally and you can drink it in secret. If you are planning to be a loser in life by any chance, you can go to random partys and get as drunk as you would like. Don't expect to get away when the cops arrive though.

In conclusion, don't drink underage.

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13y ago

Different Countries allow you to drink under 21. In America there is no place almost everywhere else you can drink under 21. Mexico has a lowered drinking age and it isn't enforced often.. England's drinking age is 16..

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Can you drink at age 20?

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Redline isn't bad for you if you drink in moderation. this drink is not for people under the age of 18 and you will be carded at any legit store that sells them. not for pregnant women or for people on certain medications ask doctor before drinking.

How many kids drink before age 21?

30 percent of youth age 12 to 20 have had a drink in the last month.

Why do people drink under age?

because its dangerous

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Research suggests that individuals who begin drinking before age 14 are at a significantly higher risk of developing alcohol use disorder later in life compared to those who begin drinking at 21. However, the exact percentage of people who become alcoholics after starting to drink before age 14 can vary depending on individual factors and circumstances.

What is the average age that people start drinking?

The average age for beginning to drink is 12.

Do you have to drink at age 21?

Just because you are old enough to drink does not mean you must drink. There are many people who choose not to drink at all.

What is the drinking age in Angola?

After 1976, the people of Angola have been able to vote at the age of 7 years old. Before this, there was no voting in Angola.

Drinking age should stay the same?

Yes because if the age gets lower then more kids will die and less people will have fun with their kids because their kids are under the influence.

Will you be able to drink alcohol when you are 21?

It depends what country you're in... In the UK, the legal age is 18 !

How many people drink underage in the UK?

It varies dramatically by age, increasing with increasing age.

Where do young people usually drink?

it depends on what you mean by young, for people who can legally drink, if they drink they drink anywhere they can get a drink. for under age people, they usually drink at places that they can get a drink without getting in trouble. this could be a friend's house, at an abandoned area, or even at home when an adult is not there, or not paying attention.