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It depends where you are located like in Australia your able to drink when your 20

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Q: Can you drink at age 20?
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What is the legal age to drink wine?

i think its after 20.... =)

What is the legal age to drink alcohol in Kentucky?

The legal age to drink alcohol in the state of Kentucky is 21.

How many kids drink before age 21?

30 percent of youth age 12 to 20 have had a drink in the last month.

Can you drink at the age of 20 in Los Angeles?

The legal age to purchase alcohol in California is 21.

Can i be an alcoholic if I'm only 20?

Yes - the age is not the issue, it is what happens when you drink, or how you react to it.

Why children can't drink alcohol?

Children can legally drink in many countries and very few prohibit it for persons 19 and 20 years of age.

Can you buy your spouse an alcoholic drink in a restaurant if they are 20-year-old or younger?

If you or she are of legal drinking age yes.

At what age can you drink in Egypt?

In Egypt you can drink at the age of twenty one

You are 20 and married can you drink in a bar in Las Vegas?

The legal drinking and gambling age in Las Vegas is 21. No exceptions.

At what age can one enter into a legal contract in japan?

20 years of age is the legal age for every citizen in Japan. Below this age is considered as a minor therefore alcoholic drinks and other adult related activities is prohibited among these minors. Its 20 to smoke and drink but 18 for pornographic material.

Who drinks the most alcohol in the UK?

The most popular age group of people who drink alcohol the most are people on the 20's.

What is the legal smoking age in New Zealand?

New Caledonia is a direct province of France, therefore under french rule. It is legal to drink at 16 while in private but it is illegal to become intoxicated. At 18 you can legally buy and drink until intoxicated if you wish.