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I've read that women can begin lactating as soon as 4-6 weeks into preg, however this is not common. Most woman say mabye a week before due-date or three days after birth.

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Q: When your pregnant how early can you lactate?
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Can a girl lactate without being pregnant?

no of course not

How do you make your breasts lactate?

Breasts begin preparing to lactate while the woman is pregnant.

Can you make a non pregnant dog lactate?

You cannot "make" a non-pregnant dog lactate, but intact female dogs will sometimes lactate. Dogs retain their corpus luteum, and sometimes have a "pseudo-pregnancy." Pregnancy in dogs cannot be determined by the fact that they are lactating for this reason.

How early can a girl start lactating without being pregnant?

I am 18 years old and in a very active sexual relationship with my boyfriend. I want to know if I can lactate milk from my breasts as a sexual practice between him and myself.

Can 13 year olds breastfeed?

It depends how far along in puberty you are and if you are actually pregnant. You will not normally lactate unless you are pregnant.

Do cows need to be constantly pregnant to continously give milk?

No. Cows can be open and still be able to lactate. They must have GIVEN BIRTH to a calf in order to be able to lactate.

What does it mean when you lactate and your 5 months pregnant?

It means that your body is preparing for the baby; it's completely normal.

What is the term for a woman who desires to become pregnant and begins to lactate?

I believe the term is called a psychological pregnancy

Why would a girl lactate if shes not pregnant?

should a fifteen year old be lactating and have lumps in her breast.

Can someone tell you why you are lactating you took a pregnancy test it was neg but your brest are sore and you have the signs you never lactate unless you are pregnant you had your period last month?

can someone tell me why i am lactating and i have took a pregnancy test and it was neg. the only time i do lactate is when i am pregnant can so someone please answer my question.......?

Can you start lactacting without pregnant?

Yes. There are many conditions where people will begin to lactate without them being pregnant. If yo have begun to lactate and are not pregnant, I suggest you see your doctor, so that they can figure out the exact cause and treat it. Some of the conditions that cause lactation are not very bad, but others are very serious, and you don't know which you have until it is properly diagnosed.

How do you get your first period with milk?

You get your first period when you are old enough but won't lactate unless you are pregnant, you won't have both together