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Okay, I don't really know what the question was, but if blood is coming from your but, I think you need to see a doctor!

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Q: When you on your period blood is coming from your butt?
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If it is a female, and if the blood is coming out of her butt. Then she is either about to have puppies or is having her period.

Blood coming out from butt?

See a doctor. Soon.

If You have blood on your butt when you wipe but not on your undies have you started your period?


Why does fish smell period blood?

because they both come from swims in water....period blood is red water!! dumb butt ( i put butt because if i put crotch you wouldnt know what that is!)

Why is not lining is coming out with your period just blood?

Both do.

How do you know when you got your period?

You will know when your period starts, because you will have blood coming from you vagina.

Can you get pregnant if you had red and brown coming out from your period?

Yes, it is normal for a period to have different shades of blood. The brown is blood dried blood and the red is new.

How do you know if a girl is having her period?

There will be blood coming out her vagina

What does it means when you have light blood coming out of your virgina?

your having your period

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Your dog has her period.

Should you bleed out your butt when laying down during your period?

Sweetheart, you're not bleeding out of your butt. The blood is dripping down to your butt. Put a second pad on the back if your underwear or use a tampon.

Brown coloured discharge 3 days late period pains that feel like period is coming?

Its coming its just coming kinda late. Brown discharge is blood its just old blood which is why its brown. Its kinda like the beginning of your period when you have brown discharge, that is how mine starts.