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white thick discharge is there but still no period;now 50 days . what is the reason

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1mo ago

Noticing white discharge in your underwear typically happens at different times throughout your menstrual cycle and may not directly indicate when you will get your period. Menstrual cycles vary for each person, so it's best to track your cycle over time to predict when your period might start based on your own patterns.

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Q: When you have white liquid in your underwear how soon will you get your period?
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Can condoms leave stain on underwear?

Yes, condoms can sometimes leave a stain on underwear. This is usually caused by the lubricant or spermicide on the condom. To minimize the chances of staining, you can wash the underwear in cold water as soon as possible after getting the stain.

Why do you have yellow sticky stuff in your underwear?

The yellow sticky stuff in your underwear could be a result of sweat mixing with oils and dead skin cells, which can cause a yellowish residue. It is a common occurrence and can be managed by practicing good hygiene and changing your underwear regularly. If you are concerned, it's recommended to consult with a healthcare provider to rule out any potential infections.

Does the sticky stuff on your underpants mean you will get your period soon?

Not necessarily. Sticky discharge in your underwear can be a sign of normal vaginal secretions or hormonal changes in your menstrual cycle. It's a good idea to track changes in your menstrual cycle and consult a healthcare provider if you have concerns about your menstrual health.

How do you get rid of period blood stains?

To remove period blood stains, rinse the fabric in cold water as soon as possible to prevent the stain from setting. Apply a stain remover or liquid detergent directly to the stain and gently rub the fabric together. Wash the item in cold water and check to ensure the stain is gone before drying.

Does the temperature of a boiling liquid increase as it boils?

No. Take water for example. Water boils at 100 degrees C. When water boils it becomes steam. This steam as soon as it is released is 100 degrees C also. The boiling point for a liquid is the point when it becomes a gas.

Related questions

What is a sign you are going to have your period soon?

For most girls a thick, white mucus will form on your underwear a few months before your period

What is the dark brown stain on your underwear?

It means you will start you period soon.

You get white goo in your underwear. What is it?

White discharge in underwear can be normal and is usually due to the body's natural cleaning process. However, if the discharge is chunky, thick, or has a foul odor, it could be a sign of a yeast infection or bacterial vaginosis. It's best to consult a healthcare provider for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

My period is 7 days late and have white milky liquid coming from your breast?

Take a pregnancy test. It is possible that you could be pregnant. The white milky liquid could be colostrum, which is the first type of breast milk. However, it is unlikely that you would be getting that this soon.

How long will you have black spots on your underwear then have your period?

It usually starts soon thereafter & usually 3-4 days then you are over it.

How long is it usually take for a girl to get her period during she has goo in her nickers?

well all girls develop at different times so you can never be so sure. xx ,, But when you have white stuff in your underwear it does mean that you will be getting your period soon. :) x hope you learn something

I am ten years old and I haven't had my period so why is there white stuff in my underwear?

ok. im also ten and i have my period that used to hapen to me to. itz totaly normal i just mean that u gonna get ur period soon so don't b afraid cuz evry owoman gets it b 4 she gets her menstrual

Why do you have big clumps of white stuff in your underwear everday?

Yeah,it's very normal.It means that you are going to have your period soon it came to me but I still didn't get my period LoL =] Yeah,it's very normal.It means that you are going to have your period soon it came to me but I still didn't get my period LoL =]

What are the signs of starting your period?

Well, if your underwear start having white "stuff" in them, then you are getting close, when it starts getting thread like, then you will start your period very soon. this is another person.. your breast's get bigger and tender and you also start to get hair underarms and down there

What does that white gooey stuff be in your underwear does that mean im about to start your period?

The white gooey discharge is typically cervical mucus that changes in texture throughout your menstrual cycle. It doesn't necessarily indicate that you're about to start your period, but it could be a sign of ovulation or just a normal part of your body's hormonal changes.

What is the white sticky stuff that comes from a it a problem?

no it means you r going to have a period soon

Have I Started Periods?

I got a brownish red spot in my underwear 2 days ago and it hasn't happened again since, was this my period, or was it a sign that i will start very soon? x