If you are under the age of 18, most states require parental permission.
you can get it pierced at any age, i think under 18 you have to have a parent sign off though.
Swelling might be a sign of infection
yeah, you can, as long as your parent signs you off you're okay.
Pretty much signing a waiver saying that your parent and/or guardian is responsible for you and that they are giving the company the right not to be held liable if anything goes wrong.
16 if your parents sign with you. If they don't or wont, you have to be 18 :)
Most of the time if your parents are with you & the sign they don't care how old you are.
No, it has to be a legal guardian until you're 18.
no. but if your under the age of 16. you need a parent/guardian to sign for it. or you can piece it yourself
um you can get it anywhere as long as you have your legal guardian there to sign paperwork saying they give you permisson then yea you can
You can be any age to get your belly pierced as long as your legal guardian allows it. They also need to go into to the shop and sign. Also you can get a fake they look just as nice.
why not aslong as you have someone over 18 to sign for you!
The only way to get a piercing of any kind if you are under age is to bring a parent or legal guardian with you to sign the paperwork, and to be there through the procedure. If you have no parent or guardian with you to sign the papers, they will refuse you service.