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um you can get it anywhere as long as you have your legal guardian there to sign paperwork saying they give you permisson then yea you can

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Q: What states can you get your belly button pierced if you are 13?
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How old do you have to e to get your belly button pierced?

Any aqe . Youu just have to have your mom or dad . Im 13 & i have my belly pierced .(:

Can you be 13 to get your belly button pierced in Alabama?

You need parental consent.

How old do you have to be to get your belly button pierced with parents gidance?

13 years old ,But in some states @ 16 years old you can do it alone

What is wrong with a 13 year old getting their belly button pierced?

I would say maybe 14 to get your belly button pierced so that the person is more mature and will look after it properly.

Can you get your belly button pierced at 13 years old?

In many places in the United States, the legal age is 18 without a parent or guardian.

Can you be 13 to get you belly button pierced?

Yes but you have to be With a parent and you have to have your birth certificate to show age proof.

What are the reasons a 13 year old shouldn't get their belly button pierced?

There isn't one. I was 13 when I got mine done.

Where could a 13 year old get a belly buutton piercng in the state of North Carolina?

You have to be 18. If you want your belly button pierced then you'll have to have your parents permission

Where can you get your belly button pierced at 13 in buffalo?

Girl dont get your belly button pierced at such a young age wait until you are fully grown because I did when I was 13 it hurt like hell and I had to get it redone when I was 17 also don't do it now because your not done growing so it will stretch out. And make sure you get it done by a professional!

Where can a 13 year old get her belly button pierced?

If you mean by your self, then no where, if you mean whast shop then anywhere as long as you have a parent or gardian with you.

How can you get your belly button pierced at the age of 13 in pg county Maryland?

By having your parent or guardian go with you, and give their consent/approval for the piercing.

Can you be 13 to get a belly button pierced?

why not aslong as you have someone over 18 to sign for you!