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Here are a few tips to help you lose weight:

Eat a healthy diet that is low in calories and high in nutrients. This means including plenty of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and healthy fats in your meals.

Get regular physical activity. Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity activity or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity activity per week.

Drink plenty of water. Water can help you feel full and reduce your appetite, as well as help flush out toxins and keep your body hydrated.

Get enough sleep. Lack of sleep can lead to weight gain, as it can cause an increase in appetite and a decrease in metabolism.

Avoid processed foods and sugary drinks. These foods are often high in calories and low in nutrients, and can contribute to weight gain.

Eat slowly and mindfully. Taking your time to eat and paying attention to your food can help you feel more satisfied and prevent you from overeating.

Consider working with a registered dietitian or a professional coach. They can help you create a personalized plan that fits your needs and lifestyle.

My recommendation is;👇👇


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13y ago

You Begin To have healthy skin. you can lose weight eating fruit but you have to add 15 min of working out though

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Q: When you eat fruit do you lose weight?
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What type of fruit can you eat and lose weight?

You can eat most any fruit an not gain weight. But there is sugar in all fruit so I don't guarantee that you will lose a great amount of weight.

Can you just eat fruit and lose weight?


If you eat fruit and water everyday will you lose weight?

It depends on the type and volume of fruit.

What if you eat only fruit for 3 days straight do you lose weight?

If a person were to eat fruit for three days straight, they may lose weight. They may not, it depend on the person calorie intake, and their metabolism.

What is the best breakfast to eat I'm trying to lose weight?

Fruit of course

How much weight will I lose in one month by eating fruit and what kinda fruits should I eat?

It is not healthy to eat only fruit, and there is no way to know how much weight you would lose. Cranberries, guava, blackberries, and strawberries are some of the healthiest fruits to eat.

What makes you lose weight other than exercise?

Eat fruit and veg, don't eat junk food!

How can l really lose weight with no pills or drops and when l'm allergic to fruits?

You don't need to eat fruit in order to lose weight. The way to lose weight basically is though not eating things. Restrict your calorie intake, and you will lose weight.Not being able to eat fruit just means that finding low-calorie snacks will be a tad harder for you.

How do you lose weight fast quickly?

go for a quick jog and eat fruit and veg woo

Can you lose weight if you eat an orange each day?

You will NOT lose weight just by eating an orange everyday. You need to eat right, exercise and drink plenty of water. But oranges are a good healthy fruit=]

How quickly can you lose weight if you only eat fruit?

You may or may not lose weight. For certain groups of people, eating a significant amount of fruit, or certain types of fruit, can hinder weight loss. For more information, see the page link, further down this page, listed under Related Questions.

What fruit reduce fat?

all of them if you don't eat to much in a day (and smelling bananas can make you lose weight)