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Ernest Rutherford, in 1919, was the first to split an atom, though it was nitrogen, and thus there was no power generation or explosion. In 1932 Sir John Cockcroft and Ernest Walton were the first to cause a nuclear reaction by the fission of an atom. Enrico Fermi, however was the first to fission uranium, in 1932, though at the time he did not fully appreciate the consequences of this discovery. Otto Robery Frisch and Lise Meitner were the first to realize the potential energy produced by the fission of uranium, however, and in a latter experiment, Frisch proved the theory.

The first person to ever realize its potential as a weapon, though, was the Hungarian physicist Leo Szilard, who realized, after experimentation, that the amount of neutrons released by the fission of uranium (two on average) could produce a nuclear chain reaction, which could lead to a massive explosion. Fearing the use of this reaction as a weapon by a facist government, however, Szilard kept his discovery secret, and convinced others to do the same, but the Joliot Curie group published the exact same results, coming to the same conlusion as Szilard.

However, the man who is generaly regarded as the "father of the A-bomb" is J. Robert Oppenheimer, who led the Manhattan Project in the United States, which produced the first ever nuclear weapon.

However, H.G. Wells was the first to envision a nuclear weapon driven by nuclear fission, when he wrote of "air dropped 'atomic bombs'" in his 1914 novel, The World Set Free. At the time, Wells did not know of the destructive power the such weapons would one day harness. Leo Szilard latter said that this novel had been the inspiration for his research on nuclear fission.

And he has tested the bomb offensivly in Japan

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The first nuclear weapon was invented during World War II by the United States as part of the Manhattan Project. The first successful test of a nuclear bomb took place on July 16, 1945, in the New Mexico desert.

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What are fifteen terms for nuclear energy?

Atomic energy Nuclear power Nuclear fission Radioactive decay Nuclear reaction Nuclear fuel Nuclear reactor Nuclear waste Nuclear radiation Nuclear meltdown Nuclear physics Uranium enrichment Radioactive contamination Nuclear safety Nuclear proliferation

Is the atom bomb and a nuke the same?

Yes, atom bomb and nuke are commonly used terms to refer to nuclear weapons that release destructive energy by splitting atoms in a process called nuclear fission. In general, "nuke" is a more colloquial term while "atom bomb" is more formal.

What is a nuke and what does a nuke looks like?

A nuke is a colloquial term for a nuclear weapon, which is an explosive weapon that derives its destructive force from nuclear reactions. A nuclear weapon can come in various forms, such as a bomb or a missile, and may vary in size and design depending on its intended use and delivery method.

What weapon is stronger than a nuke?

A nuclear weapon is one of the most powerful weapons in existence, so it is difficult to say if there is a specific weapon that is definitively stronger. However, some may argue that certain future technologies, such as antimatter weapons or advanced cyber warfare capabilities, could potentially surpass the destructive power of a nuclear weapon.

What is inside of a nuke?

A nuclear weapon typically contains a fissile material such as uranium-235 or plutonium-239, high explosives to trigger the nuclear chain reaction, and various components to control the explosion and enhance the weapon's efficiency.

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What are fifteen terms for nuclear energy?

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itis an extended nuke

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you can't get a nuke in black ops

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Dad's Nuke was created in 1986.

Is nuke a scientific word?

Nuke is a slang term for nuclear.

Who built the first nuke?

The USA built the first nuke.

How do you nuke on platform racing2 chat?

You can't nuke anymore.

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I'm not sure of this. Why would Iraq have a nuke? One purpose of Iraq having a nuke is that they can start or end war. I don't think Iraq haves the right to have a nuke.