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After the fugitive slave law was passed, many slaves tried to escape to Canada. They used the Underground Railroad as their primary means of transport.

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Q: When was the fugitive slave act passed?
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Who passed the fugitive slave act?

The Fugitive Slave Act was put into place by Congress under the presidential rule of Zarchary Taylor.

Under the fugitive slave act what would happen to a citizen who helped a runaway slave?

Under the Fugitive Slave Act, people could be imprisoned for helping a runaway slave. The act was passed in 1850.

Did uncle tom cabin led to the fugitive slave act?

No, it didn't. The Fugitive Slave Law was passed before the publication of the novel.

What was the outcome of the compromise of 1850?

Congress passed the Fugitive Slave Act.

What was on outcome of the compromise of 1850?

Congress passed the Fugitive Slave Act.

What laws punished northerners who assisted escaped slaves?

fugitive slave lawsThe Fugitive Act

When did the fugitive slave act come into being?

The act was passed in Congress on September 18, 1850.

How was the Compromise of 1850 similar to the fugitive slave act?

The Fugitive Slave act was part of the Compromise of 1850. The compromise of 1850 said any new states would be free states as long as they passed the fugitive slave act. This act made Northerners turn in runaway slaves.

When was fugitive slave law passed?

the first fugitive slave law was passed in 1793.

Who wrote the fugitive slave act?

The Fugitive Slave Act was written by Congress as part of the Compromise of 1850 between Southern slave-holding interests and Northern Free-Soilers. The act was passed by the United States Congress on September 18, 1850.

What law was passed to help southern states captured escaped slaves?

Fugitive Slave Act

What made it a federal crime to asist a runaway slave?

Fugitive Slave law (ACT)