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Q: What year did the fugitive slave act take place?
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What year was the first fugitive slave law passed by congress?

In 1657 Virginia passed a fugitive slave law.

When year did harriet Tubman start freeing the slaves?

1851 after the fugitive slave laws were passed.

What year was the fugitive slave act passed?

1850 Only John P. Hale, Charles Sumner, Salmon Chase and Benjamin Wade voted against the measure, Even the whig party leader Daniel Webster voted for it. This is why he never became President of United States.

In what state did the nat turner slave revolt of 1831 take place A Georgia B Virginia C Alabama D South Carolina?

Virginia was the state that slave revolt took place. This was in the year 1831.

What fugitive slave was arrested in Boston in 1854?

Anthony Burns, who was arrested that year on May 24th. He had escaped slavery in Richmond, Virginia in 1853.

What law stated runaway slaves has to be returned?

If you will look into the Fugitive Slave Law I believe you will find what your looking for. It was put in act in 1850. Good Luck! -13 year old

What did the fugitives slave law require American to do?

The Fugitive Slave Act (1850) required individuals to turn in any black person suspected of being a runaway slave. This could be done without actual proof or a trial of any kind. It was a panacea of sorts to the Southern slave states, which lost hundreds of runaway slaves a year.

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Constitution made slave trade legal until what year?

The United States Constitution protected the slave trade for twenty years. This protection was not to expire prior to the year 1808. After January first of that year, laws could take effect to end the slave trade in the United States.

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The year 2552.