How old is my Topper 88 HARRINGTON AND RICHARDSON GUN serial number
Late 60's to mid 90's
this gun can generally retail 75 to 100 dollars in value depending on its condition
In 100% condition, $100-$125.
Since it has a serial number, it was made after 1968. They were made at least through the 1990's, but I know of no source of serial number dating info for recent H&R guns. * Harrington & Richardson manufactured the shotgun in 1974.
50-100 USD
JC Higgins Model 20 Shotgun does not have a serial number. Guns were not required to have a serial number before 1938
Since you do not say, whether your Harrington & Richardson is a pistol, rifle or shotgun and you do not show a letter prefix to the serial number, I can only give you limited information based on a Model 48 Topper Single Shot Shotgun which was manufactured for a period of 14 years between 1943 and 1956. I hope this helps, until you can supply more information on your shotgun.
westernfield 20ga shotgun
your Winchester model 1897 shotgun was made in 1914 with the serial number that you provided.
Your serial number indicates that your Winchester model 1897 shotgun was made in the year 1903.