With the serial number that you have provided,your Smith and Wesson model 28-2 Highway Patrolman was made in the year 1973.
When was 38 smith and Wesson serial number 172095
Your serial number was used by Smith and Wesson for the models 10,12,13,45,64,65,547.It dates this serial number to the year 1979.
Smith and Wesson is the make.
Standard Catalog of Smith and Wesson
You will need to add the model of Smith and Wesson to your serial number to get the correct year of manufacture.
K 7981 smith&wesson
No such serial number in Smith and Wesson data.
Your serial number indicates that your Smith and Wesson 38 special was made in the Year 1960.
Your serial number indicates that your Smith and Wesson model 59 was made in the year 1975.
With the serial number that you have supplied,your Smith and Wesson model 15 was made in the year 1950.
Your serial number indicates that your Smith and Wesson model 18 was made in the year 1962.
No serial number given.