I'd say take the test about 30 days after you last period. If it is negative, wait a week and take another one if you haven't gotten your period. If it is still negative, wait another week and take a third if you don't start. If you still have not started or gotten a positive result go see a doctor. It's hard to say since your periods are so irregular, but taking a test about a month after your last period should be enough time to get a positive result if you are pregnant.
Answeri am in the same situation, last month it was 43 days but a few months earlier it was 29 days!! its soo annoying. at the moment its been 39 days and i am worried i am pregnant, i have done 4 tests all over the past 9 days-all negative. i am sacred i have taken them to early! i read the home preg test leflet and it says for irregular periods take the longest cycle you have had and test from then. for me that is 3 days away, wish me luk.ope i have helped in sum way
Yes. Some women have very irregular periods. If you suspect you are pregnant, you should take a home pregnancy test just to be sure.
Irregular periods are very common for women under 20. As you get older it should balance out. People say birth control helps..But i'm not positive.
You should visit your gynocologist since irregular periods/ovulation can be very difficult to track.
Periods can be and often are very irregular in young girls up to 3 years after their first period. After these 3 years, if periods are still extremely irregular, a girl should see her doctor.
I wouldnt say irreuglar periods are a sign of pregnancy its usually actually missing a period for about 2 , 3 or even 4 times(months) in a row. Irregualr periods mean that your body is just developing differently. I reccomend Yaz birth control pills , they regualate ur periods very well.
Very extrenous excersice or training could be a factor along with drug side effects. Wheter or not this might be the case, medical advise should be seeked when sudden late periods occur.
yes, its very common. 50% of women have irregular periods.
When you begin having periods, your body is getting used to it just like how you learned to ride a bike. You may experience irregular periods for the first year or so because your body is just getting used to it all (like how you were wobbly for the first bit of learning to ride a bike). Don't worry-things should straighten out! If you feel that something is very wrong, you should visit either your family doctor or gynecologist. When you get on track your periods should be from 3-7 days. If you are lucky you could get 3.
Yes People can have there period all the way through there pregnancy but it's very unusual but it happens there may be spotting that may come as it please but you should have a doctor check that out
The menstrual cycle is a very sensitive thing and can become irregular for a number of reasons. Irregular periods aren't unusual as they affect about 30% of women in their reproductive years. An irregular period is any type of bleeding that is abnormal when compared to your usual menstrual cycle. This can include a late period, an early period or bleeding between periods. It can also appear as particularly heavy bleeding (menorrhagia) or scanty bleeding. Many women also experience irregular periods in the form of a missed period, continuous periods, or periods that occur twice in one cycle. Irregular menstrual periods are usually the result of hormonal signals that have been thrown out of sync. In order to produce a period, your body makes hormones, like estrogen and progesterone. These hormones are kept in the hypothalamus, pituitary gland, and ovaries inside your body. In order to trigger ovulation and menstruation, these parts of the body need to send signals to one another. Sometimes, these signals get crossed or skipped, causing irregular periods. But what causes these hormone signals to get out of whack? Well, there are actually a number of things that can easily cause your hormone levels to change. * Pregnancy: If you are pregnant, your body will begin producing different levels of hormones. This will cause numerous pregnancy symptoms, including an end to your period. * Conditions of the reproductive organs giving rise to pain include endometriosis, pelvic inflammatory disease, ovarian cysts, fibroids and problems related to the early stages of pregnancy such as miscarriage and ectopic pregnancy. * Stress: Stress is a common cause of irregular periods. If you are fatigued, worried, or anxious this can cause your hormones to become unbalanced. * Diet: A poor diet or extreme weight loss or gain can also affect your hormones. Women with anorexia or bulimia often have no period or irregular periods. * Exercise: Intense exercise can wreak havoc on your body, often causing irregular periods. * Menarche: the cycles after a girl's first period may be irregular for some time. It can take up to 3 years to get regular periods. * Menopause: Menopause causes changes in your hormone levels, and is often signaled by irregular periods. * Hormonal Birth Control: Birth control pills and irregular periods sometimes go hand in hand. It can take a while for your body to adjust to the new levels of hormones delivered by hormonal birth control. For most women, an irregular period is nothing to be worried about as the majority of women will eventually develop a regular cycle with regular periods. Sometimes though, underlying complications can be the cause of these period problems. If you are noticing particularly irregular periods, or have gone a year or more with missed periods, see your doctor. If you experience extreme cramping, heavy period bleeding, dizziness, nausea, or fainting you should also visit with your doctor. I would recommend that if this continues that you see your doctor/gyneacologist to have them evaluate the situation further. I hope this helped answer your question. Good luck :)
You should get your period about once a month, but every girlis different. In your first year of having your period, it will be very irregular, but will start to settle into a pattern during the second year.
This sounds like you are experiencing irregular periods. Irregular periods are very common and they can arrive any time. Sometimes you may not have a period for several months (in severe cases) and other times it can arrive any time. You will need to see your Doctor to determine if you're experiencing irregular periods or whether this is hormone related. Please note this is advice only & should not be used in place of a doctors evaluation.