Unfortunately yes. Gas is a common discomfort amongst pregnant women. Try using a gas relief medication such as Gas X or Rolaids to help relieve the pressure.
my friend lucii may is pregnant ans she gets gas all the time. she is a very smell gassy teenage that is pregnant. dont worry gas is normal during pregnancy. havee a good life and remember GAS IS GOOD!! byee(:
No. If you have gas and no period, perhaps you're pregnant.
Nitrous Oxide (laughing gas) isn't hazardous to pregnant women or the fetus.
While most pregnant women do become more gassy in the last trimester - passing gas is not considered a sign of pregnancy.
The first couple of weeks after conception are relatively symptom-free. But you can get gas build-up by many a reason.
yes. my wife was pregnant with our son and i had terrible gas.
A young woman experiencing gas or gas pains could believe the bloating and "funny feeling" means she is pregnant. Currently, there is only one effective means of birth control, which is, no sex. And there are only two ways to find out if you are pregnant: testing or exam by a doctor.
Or it could be gas.
I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant - 2008 Gas and Go Baby was released on: USA: 24 August 2011