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While most pregnant women do become more gassy in the last trimester - passing gas is not considered a sign of pregnancy.

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Q: Do you pass gas a lot when pregnant?
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Is it normal to have a lot of gas during pregnancy?

yes. my wife was pregnant with our son and i had terrible gas.

What is the farting?

Flatus is the gas/ fart. Flatulence is when you are having to pass gas. Flatulent is a person who is passing a lot of gas.

Is it normal to pass gas a lot when you are only a week and a half pregnant?

yes it is!You will be very gassy for the whole time you are pregnant!!!I was with both my kids so you will have to get used to it!LOL ==How do you know? == How do you know you are pregnant 3 days before ovulating? Because that is when 1 and half weeks pregnant is. Even one and a half weeks after ovulating you would be unlikely to have a positive test. Having said that many pregnant women have gas/constipation/diarrhoea, but not all.

What is the term fart?

Flatus is the gas/ fart. Flatulence is when you are having to pass gas. Flatulent is a person who is passing a lot of gas.

Do you have a lot of gas before you find out your pregnant?

Not necessarily. If we talk about the first month you usually have no symptoms.

Is gas associated with pregnancy?

Yes, because all humans pass gas. However, a pregnant woman may pass more gas than average because of the decreasing space in her abdomen and increase in pressure on her organs, including the bowels. An increase in flatulence is a symptom of pregnancy that many, but not all, women will experience.

Why Does Eating Sauerkraut Give You Gas?

maybe because it's nasty or because you ate a lot of food before you ate that and it made you pass gas

If a girl have gas more than often could it mean that shes pregnant?

No it just means they eat a lot of beans.

When does a fEtus PASS GAS?

it doesnt pass gas at all...

Can caresing your five months pregnant wife's belly make her feel uneasy and cause her to pass gas?

As long as you are gentle most women find this very soothing. As far as the gas is concerned, yes, massaging anyone's belly may cause them to pass gas if you are going clockwise. She is probably feeling uneasy because she is embarrassed about the passing gas thing.

Can you pass gas on command by telling your body to pass gas?

Perhaps, if you have enough gas in the intestinal tract.

Why do you pass gas a lot after you smoke?

You're swallowing too much air. Check out for a good explanation.