Informal unexpected learning can happen anytime, anywhere, and in various forms. It often occurs when individuals are not intentionally seeking out knowledge but stumble upon it through everyday experiences, such as browsing the internet, engaging in conversations with others, or trying out new activities. This spontaneous learning can be both exciting and valuable in broadening one's understanding of the world.
Formal socialization is learning skills, values, and norms with planned and organized experiences such as in school. Informal socialization is learning without an institution or formal procedure.
Informal education refers to learning that occurs outside of traditional classroom settings and structures. This type of education often takes place through experiences, interactions with others, self-directed learning, and practical hands-on activities. Informal education can occur in any setting and is not typically structured by a specific curriculum or formal assessment.
The main sources of learning include formal education such as schools and universities, informal learning through experiences and interactions, online resources like articles and videos, and professional development opportunities such as workshops and seminars. Personal reflection and feedback from others also play a key role in the learning process.
Formal education provides structured learning environments, accredited certifications, and standardized curriculum, ensuring consistency and recognition. However, it can be expensive, rigid, and may not always cater to individual learning styles. Informal education is more flexible, adaptable, and often focuses on practical skills and real-life experiences. Yet, it may lack official recognition, structured progression, and depth of knowledge in certain subjects.
Formal training methods are structured, usually with a defined curriculum and set learning objectives, often delivered through classroom instruction or online courses. Informal training is more flexible and spontaneous, often occurring on the job through peer mentoring, self-directed learning, or experiential learning. Formal training tends to be standardized and measurable, while informal training is more individualized and contextual.
Disadvantages of informal learning include lack of structure, potential for misinformation or inaccuracies, and limited opportunities for validation or recognition of learning achievements.
A Typology of Norms Informal: Relative weak informal norms are folkways and fashion: - Relatively strong norms are Taboos such as incest and Mores Formal: - Relatively weak formal norms are: Misdemeanor laws, som rules, guidelines, civil rights law: - Relatively strong norms are: Capital Offense-laws and felony laws
Formal socialization is learning skills, values, and norms with planned and organized experiences such as in school. Informal socialization is learning without an institution or formal procedure.
Informal socialization is learning outside of an institution. Agents for informal socialization include family and friends or peers. This type of socialization helps you learn to interact with people as well as how to use things such as computers and utensils.
This includes formal and Informal techniques. Informal: polls, written assessment, Formal techniques includes: class work, test and modules.
inormal is free play, proccess of learning is key
Informal education refers to learning that occurs outside of traditional classroom settings and structures. This type of education often takes place through experiences, interactions with others, self-directed learning, and practical hands-on activities. Informal education can occur in any setting and is not typically structured by a specific curriculum or formal assessment.
Formal training can include: external courses,internal workshops, e-learning programs. Informal training can include: reading,mentoring,coaching.
An informal inquiry about the job could be: "Hey, I'm interested in learning more about the job opening. Can you tell me about the day-to-day responsibilities and what the team dynamic is like?"
In situations where the unexpected occurs, it is important to stay calm and assess the situation before taking action. Being prepared for unexpected events by having a backup plan or being adaptable can help in effectively navigating through the situation. It is also crucial to be open to new possibilities and learning from the experience to better handle similar unexpected events in the future.
This is like comparing the sun with the clouds. Both are needed to let a plant grow: suns energy and clouds for rain. So is formal education complementary to informal education. The only thing questionable is the expression "informal education", while if we talk about educating it contains a directive approach, thus not informal anymore. The expression informal learning would suite better. Kees
"A neophyte's serendipity is the happy accident of stumbling upon unexpected success or good fortune in the early stages of learning or experience."