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An advantage of informal education is it cheaper, a disadvantage is it depends on how fast a person learns. An advantage of formal education is it is taught to a large group of people, a disadvantage is the high price.

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Formal education provides structured learning environments, accredited certifications, and standardized curriculum, ensuring consistency and recognition. However, it can be expensive, rigid, and may not always cater to individual learning styles. Informal education is more flexible, adaptable, and often focuses on practical skills and real-life experiences. Yet, it may lack official recognition, structured progression, and depth of knowledge in certain subjects.

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Q: What are the advantages and the disadvantages of formal and informal education?
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How does informal education affect formal education?

Informal education can complement formal education by providing practical experiences, real-world examples, and opportunities for application of knowledge learned in the classroom. It can also help foster critical thinking, creativity, and problem-solving skills that are valuable in formal educational settings. However, if informal education contradicts formal education or perpetuates misinformation, it can lead to confusion or undermine the credibility of formal education.

What are the differences between formal non formal and informal education?

Formal education is structured, follows a curriculum, and leads to certifications or degrees. Non-formal education is structured but more flexible, catering to specific learning needs outside the traditional classroom setting. Informal education is incidental and spontaneous, occurring through daily life experiences without a structured curriculum or assessment.

What are theDifference between formal health education and informal health education?

Formal health education is structured, planned, and delivered through institutions like schools or workplaces, usually following a specific curriculum. Informal health education is more spontaneous and occurs through everyday interactions, media, or community discussions, without a structured curriculum. Formal education often leads to certifications or degrees, while informal education is more about raising general awareness and promoting healthy behaviors.

What is the difference between formal and informal nutrition education?

Formal nutrition education typically follows a structured curriculum in academic settings and may lead to certifications or degrees in nutrition or dietetics. Informal nutrition education, on the other hand, is more casual and may involve sharing information through workshops, seminars, online resources, or community programs without a formal academic structure.

What is informal education?

Informal education refers to learning that occurs outside of traditional classroom settings and structures. This type of education often takes place through experiences, interactions with others, self-directed learning, and practical hands-on activities. Informal education can occur in any setting and is not typically structured by a specific curriculum or formal assessment.

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What is formal and informal education in nigeria?

what is informal education What a stupid answer ^^^ An example of formal education is school. School is formal because you go there to learn. Rather than informal where you learn things by events that happen around you. When you learned how to talk, unless under a 'talking aid' (something to teach you how to talk), it came by informal education because your parents/guardian talked to you when you were little.

What are the differences between formal education and agricultural extension?

The fundamental differences between formal and non-formal (or, informal) education come from the instructors and instructional contexts involved. In formal educating, instructors are clearly distinguished and professionally trained, with instruction typically occurring in a place set aside for education. In informal educating, the instructor might be oneself, a book, a friend, or some other source, with instruction occurring at home or in the "school of life", rather than a dedicated school or other educational organization.

Formal education is better than informal education?

This is like comparing the sun with the clouds. Both are needed to let a plant grow: suns energy and clouds for rain. So is formal education complementary to informal education. The only thing questionable is the expression "informal education", while if we talk about educating it contains a directive approach, thus not informal anymore. The expression informal learning would suite better. Kees

What are the disadvantages of informal education?

Non-formal education is the things you learn outside of the classroom. In fact, much of our understanding of the world is through non-formal education. Some of this is "street smart". Non-formal education enhances our overall knowledge. This is where we integrate what we learn in school to what we know about our environment. These are forms of enrichment classes that's not necessarily intended for a degree. This type of education simply enriches us. This could be sports, playing of musical instruments or arts.

Disadvantages of formal and informal groups?

It really stems down to want you want out of the group, if you prefer a structured programme of events then formal is for you, if you prefer a more ad hoc experience then informal.

How does informal education affect formal education?

Informal education can complement formal education by providing practical experiences, real-world examples, and opportunities for application of knowledge learned in the classroom. It can also help foster critical thinking, creativity, and problem-solving skills that are valuable in formal educational settings. However, if informal education contradicts formal education or perpetuates misinformation, it can lead to confusion or undermine the credibility of formal education.