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i have already been pregnant and i am 12 years old i have 6 babies i have ruined my life

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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Q: When is the right time to have intercourse for pegnancy?
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Related questions

Which is the right time to intercourse?

It depends on your happenings....

Will the test be accurate if you are three days late?

You may still have a false negative but you are plenty of time after intercourse and you had intercourse at the right time to become pregnant.

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When is the right time to have intercourse to become pregnant?

I want to become pregnant. so pls.. give me advice

What is perfect time to go for second intercourse?

Right after your done with the first time. Give it a few minutes depending on how tired both of you are.

What is the right age to have intercourse in the United Kingdom?

the legal age to have sexual intercourse in the united kingdom is 16

Will you get pregnant every time you have sexual intercourse?

No. Can you get pregnant ever time you have sexual intercourse? Yes. Is there something you can do to decrease the risk of getting pregnant everytime you have sexual intercourse? Yes.

Can you be evicted while pregnant in the state of California?

YES, Pegnancy has nothing to do with paying rent.

What is the right position for sexual intercourse?

All of them are right, but some are more right than others.

When is the right time to intercourse when taking clomiphene citrate?

Have intercouse on days 12,14,16,18 and 20 This will be whats call you sticky days and fertility days.

What does half a blue line mean on the QuickVue pegnancy test?

no your not pregnant if you have a half blue line

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Does partial removal of foreskin increases time of sexual intercourse for men?"