It's either he's too shy or he doesn't know you're flirting with him. Here are some possible cases: 1. He's not sure if that look was for him or not. 2. He thinks you were just being nice or sweet to him, but not "I like you". 3. He might interpret it as a lack of interest. 4. He doesn't know what to do. Don't worry, guys like it when girls flirt.
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They do but they just dont show it as much as boys do.
She will assume that you have an interest in her but will think you just dont know how to approach her about it.
The difference between the guy actually liking you, and him being a flirt is simple. Does he flirt with other girls, stare at other girls? If hes a flirt, dont waste your time on him. He is probally a player and they are big jerks. Forget about him and move on, girls can do so much better then that and you can too Hope That helped
i dont think girls flirt more than guys they just flirt diffrently I agree. Girls flirt in a different way than guys, and they tend to lay it on heavy. They giggle and flip their hair and act all weird to make guys like them, but it doesn't ever do anything except make guys think that they don't want to be themselves around them.
well theres 2 ways you can look at this, first you could talk to this girl and find out why she will allowe you to flirt with her and flirt back but does not like you the same way, or if you just like it now when u guys flirt dont do anything about it and wait awhile and maybe she'll come around
just make sure you dont lead them on, and when you dont flirt with them back theyll get the picture.
he just likes to flirt... im the same way with my dudes and i dont like most of them... girls gotta flirt... so do guys
Wear our cutest outfit and flirt with him.
They do but differently they can either tell you to get out of their life or they will start slow and if they dont ask you out take a chance you'll never know if you don't try
dont, wait for high school because alot of girls get boy friends in freshmen year.
then you just flirt back and see how it goes
well depends what kind of girl you are but in life you are meant to lyk it. even if you seem to feel like you dont like what is being said in real your heart desires to flirt with them and date and have fun