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Q: When eaten nearly 90 percent of your dietary calories from fat are in the form of?
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If Jeannie eats 1840 calories a day how many calories will she have eaten after 182 days?

334,880 calories.

Can meat and milk be eaten together under Islamic dietary laws?

No. Islamic dietary is like a kosher diet you cannot eat milk with meat.

Is yucca fattening?

yes it does if eaten on a daily basis! One cup of yucca contains 330 calories. This makes up approximately 17 percent of a 2,000-calorie diet. A majority of the calories contained in yuccas come from their high carbohydrate content. Yuccas contain 78.4 grams carbohydrate. At 4 calories per gram, this adds up to 314 calories. More than 95 percent of the calories in yuccas come from carbohydrates.

If there were 264 million turkeys and 46 million were eaten what percent was eaten?

46 / 264 = 0.1742 (rounded)= 17.42 percent (rounded)

How many calories should be eaten in one week?

Everybody should eat at least 14,000 calories a week

How does lacked of exercise affect your weight?

If calories consumed (eaten) are more than calories burned (through exercise), then this energy will be stored as sugar in the liver and fat on the body. So a lack of exercise in comparison with calories eaten will result in weight gain.

Did people eat young goats in Jesus' time?

Yes, the dietary laws allowed for this meat to be eaten.

How many Calories should be eaten dailey?

Take the weight you want to be, and multiply by 10. That's how many calories. 120 lbs = 1,200 calories 180 lbs = 1,800 calories

Does pizza go to your gut?

This depends on when the pizza is eaten. If pizza is eaten right before a large period of inactivity, it is possible that the calories eaten will not be burned off. Weight is gained when the amount of calories eaten is greater than the amount of calories consumed. Pizza in moderation is alright, but if too much pizza is eaten and not enough activity is done in the day, weight gain will occur. However, one never knows where one will gain weight; that is all coded by genetics.

A dietary law kept by traditionalist Jews is that what items may not be eaten at the same meal?

Dairy with meat.

How many calories do you eat each day on the Atkins diet?

That depends on the food eaten, each food has different calories content

What percent of cranberries are eaten on thanksgiving day?