That depends on the food eaten, each food has different calories content
Over 2000 calories
There are many foods that are included in the Atkins Diet plan. Fruits, vegetables, cheeses, as well as foods high in protein can be eaten while on the Atkins, Diet plan.
Many websites have free atkins diet recipes for people who are participating in the diet program. The website with the most recipes would be
There are many diet programs. Some find success in Weight Watches because you simply count points instead of calories. Other like the South Beach diet and Atkins diet because you can eat more, just of certain foods.
The best place to find information on the Atkins diet is the official website, Although there are many studies that have shown that the Atkins diet is unhealthy your the only one who can decide what's best for your body.
Diet drinks usually have no calories in them.
There are many authors who have given their opinion. Some of them are Dr. Tarnower who invented the Scardsale Diet. There is also Dr. Atkins who invented the Atkins Diet.
Sparkpeople and "the calorie counter" both offer free online calorie counters that let you plan out your own diet depending on how many calories you want to consume.
The Atkins Diet plan is a high protein/low card diet that can be utilized by many people and produces noticeable results when done properly. The Atkins diet, due to its high protein intake, is not recommended for people with kidney ailments or protein-limited diets.
During Atkins diet you can eat as many calories as you want. Atkins is not about calorie counter but about carbohydrates counter. Make sure to eat everything that is extremely low in carbs (meat, poultry, eggs...) Don't eat anything that has grain in it such as pasta, rice, bread as well as potatoes. Allow yourself just a small portion of greens a day. Cut out all fruit and sweets as well as sweet drinks and coffee's.
The Atkins diet is a diet high in protein and fat and low in carbohydrates. It is intended for weight loss, and there are many books and online sources that would help you get started with meal plans and tips.
The Atkins diet focuses on low carb eating. There are many books and websites available to help in this pursuit. You can view the following website to find books and tips: