

Best Answer

Normally lactating mother do not get periods till 3 months. Still u need to

take precautions preventing next pregnanacy.I have the example as our mother in law casually mentioned that lactating mother do not conceive. By my wife did conceive even with out periods.So am blessed with first son and second son with a gap of 12 months 15 days and second child

was weak and took more time to recoup.

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Q: When does your period come back after pregnancy?
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I miss a period in the month of June and still waiting for my period to come. I am experience back pain and cramps. Could I be pregnant?

Yes these are signs of pregnancy.

If you get your period during pregnancy will your pregnancy test results come out negative?


If i know im not pregnant and i had my period then it just like didnt come back the next month what should you do?

wait a week after your missed period and if it still hasn't come then you should take a pregnancy test

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That's a question for your doctor.

Can I be pregnant if my stomach is growing with light periods cramping and lower back pain for the last 2 months but the tests come back negative?

Yes. Take a pregnancy test if you miss your period, or have missed a period already

Can you test for pregnancy a week after your period?

Yes actually it's better it will show better then you can expect your pirods to not come back next month if your pregnant

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By medicine or scraping of the uterus but it can take weeks until you get your period back.

Can you get pregnancy false alarm on a pregnancy tester after 7 months of miscarriage?

If you have healed and gotten your period back there is no pregnancy hormones so no it can not.

If you forgot to take 3 pills and started your period then a week later spotted how long does it take for your next period to come?

Hiya! Your next period will come when you start your sugar pills. If it is late again do a pregnancy test to rule out pregnancy .

How soon can you take a pregnancy test after your period?

if your period is due but hasn't come definitely take a test

What can hold your period back?

Several things can hold your period back. Some of the things holding back periods include pregnancy, illness, or birth control methods. You do not get a period if you are pregnant.

You had an 11 day long period and for 6 days you were spotting every other day. Now you period has come back. You're on BC and use condoms. Could you be pregnant or is it from stress?

Take a pregnancy test!