Probably Whenever They Feel The Need To get Rid Of The Pain Of Having To Listen To Thier Friends Talk About It !
There is no specific age at which an average boy has his first kiss, as this can vary widely based on individual experiences and cultural norms. Some boys may have their first kiss in their teenage years, while others may not experience it until later in life. The important thing is that each person's journey is unique and there is no right or wrong timeline for such experiences.
kiss him first
No, it is not classy. If you are a boy don't kiss her on the first date it will ruin everything. If you are a girl don't let him kiss you on the first date.
go to wikihow and type in "how to kiss", "how to french kiss", "how to kiss a boy", or "how to kiss for the first time". you will get incredible kissing skills. i did.
just kiss him
you have the whole internet, use it
He will kiss you first.
let him kiss you and then you just have to let it happen
Depends on how old you are. If you are very much older you don't kiss a 12 year old boy it is illegal. If you are his age kiss him of the cheek the first time.
Yes you can kiss a boy if you are a boy
Answer i would say a boy!!!! Answer hm, whys that?
this is not true u must have it first to get it