

Best Answer

December 25th


It depends on the group you are interested in:

  • Moslems don't
  • Jews don't
  • Coptic Christmas is observed on the 7th day of January
  • Orthodox Christians celebrate Christmas Day on or near January 7 in the Gregorian calendar
  • Western rite Christians celebrate Christmas on December 25
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Q: When does people in Bethlehem celebrate their Christmas?
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Does Bethlehem celebrate Christmas on December 25?

Yes, Bethlehem celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ, and the holiday known as Christmas.

Do more people celebrate Hanukkah or Christmas in Israel?

Hanukkah is a National holiday in Israel, celebrated by about 6 million people. Christmas is only observed in private, by the tiny Christian minority of about 140,000 people. Also, Christian tourists often visit bethlehem during Christmas in large numbers, but bethlehem is in the Palestinian Territories.

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Do people celebrate Christmas in Cuba?

Yes, people in Cuba do celebrate Christmas.

Why does Bethlehem remember Christmas as?

where Jesus was born. he was also born in Christmas that is why its called like that Christ mas plus if you celebrate Jesus birth your awesome

Why do the people of Chile celebrate Christmas?

The people of Chile celebrate Christmas because most of them consider themselves to be Christians. Those Chileans who are not Christians do not celebrate Christmas.

What do people celebrate for Christmas?

The Story of Christmas is linked with the birth of Jesus Christ. The History of Christmas can be traced back all the way back to the beginning of Christianity. According to the History of Christmas, Jesus Christ, the son of God, was born to his mother Mary in a humble manger in the small town of Bethlehem now modern day Israel. A shining star appeared over Bethlehem and guided three wise men to the manger were the Christ child lay. The three wise men brought gifts to the baby Jesus because they recognized that this child was going to be the savior or Messiah of his chosen people. So NO not all people celebrate Christmas some celebrate it in very different ways!

What do people get for each other in Hanukkah for Christmas?

This question makes no sense. It sounds like you're asking what to get people (who celebrate Hanukkah) for Christmas. People who celebrate Hanukkah do not want Christmas presents. They do not celebrate Christmas.

What groups of people celebrate Christmas?

Christians, not jewish they celebrate hanukah, and people in the united states celebrate christmas, everybody celebrate christmas of the birth of Jesus Christ.

How many people celebrate Christmas in Ireland?

Not all people in Ireland are Christian, so not all people in Ireland celebrate Christmas. Most people in Ireland are Christian, so most Irish people do celebrate Christmas, but not everyone.Not all people in Ireland are Christian, so not all people in Ireland celebrate Christmas. Most people in Ireland are Christian, so most Irish people do celebrate Christmas, but not everyone.Not all people in Ireland are Christian, so not all people in Ireland celebrate Christmas. Most people in Ireland are Christian, so most Irish people do celebrate Christmas, but not everyone.Not all people in Ireland are Christian, so not all people in Ireland celebrate Christmas. Most people in Ireland are Christian, so most Irish people do celebrate Christmas, but not everyone.Not all people in Ireland are Christian, so not all people in Ireland celebrate Christmas. Most people in Ireland are Christian, so most Irish people do celebrate Christmas, but not everyone.Not all people in Ireland are Christian, so not all people in Ireland celebrate Christmas. Most people in Ireland are Christian, so most Irish people do celebrate Christmas, but not everyone.Not all people in Ireland are Christian, so not all people in Ireland celebrate Christmas. Most people in Ireland are Christian, so most Irish people do celebrate Christmas, but not everyone.Not all people in Ireland are Christian, so not all people in Ireland celebrate Christmas. Most people in Ireland are Christian, so most Irish people do celebrate Christmas, but not everyone.Not all people in Ireland are Christian, so not all people in Ireland celebrate Christmas. Most people in Ireland are Christian, so most Irish people do celebrate Christmas, but not everyone.Not all people in Ireland are Christian, so not all people in Ireland celebrate Christmas. Most people in Ireland are Christian, so most Irish people do celebrate Christmas, but not everyone.Not all people in Ireland are Christian, so not all people in Ireland celebrate Christmas. Most people in Ireland are Christian, so most Irish people do celebrate Christmas, but not everyone.

How does Kenya celebrate Christmas?

It is unfortunate because kenya does not celebrate christmas but it's people.