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For me it was usually around the four month mark. But I am a very slender woman and am highly in tune with my body. The earliest movements are just flutters and resemble closely what gas bubbles feel like in your tummy. That first "kick" is unmistakable and oddly enough I've always felt it while bending over to tie my shoes. How many times you've been prego also makes a difference in how soon you can feel it due to the fact that you are already familiar with it. I highly recommend the book "What to expect when you're expecting" to new parents. Lots of important information without being overwhelmed and very easy to navigate due to excellent organization. Helps mom's not be so anxious and informs dad's without exposing them to embarrassment :)

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Q: When do you feel kicking while pregnant?
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yes you can feel the babys heart beat and feel the baby kicking around

Some time you fell thing moving some times kicking you are on depo are you pregnant?

If you think you're pregnant, take a pregnancy test. If you're pregnant enough to feel "kicking," the test will surely be positive.

What can cause your stomache to feel like a baby is kicking if not pregnant?

Gas bubbles are the most likely cause.

How can i get a good night sleep at night while the im pregnant and the baby kicking?

just sleep

Why do you feel like there is something kicking you inside your abdomen?

This is usually caused by gas in the intestines, unless one is pregnant then it is caused by the growing baby kicking and punching inside the abdomen.

Can a pregnant woman feel kicking in two places?

Yes,it's possible to feel the feet,hands,head,and whole body of the baby moving.

Is it normal to feel light taps in belly when you are not pregnant?

Yes it is simply your baby turning or moving and sometimes eben kicking

Why would I feel the sensation of a baby kicking but I am not pregnant?

because yo may have gas :)

My tubes are tied and a urine test came back negative but feel kicking movements can i be pregnant?

It's not likely. Kicking movements are not normally a first sign of pregnancy, and would not occur with a negative test.

Your periods are very irregular and you feel kicking in your stomack you took a home preg test but it was negative could you still be pregnant?

It's not normal to feel kicking inside your stomach unless yo have a child inside. I suggest you go see a doctor right away!