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usually around 16 to 20 weeks

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Q: When do you feel flutters?
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Can you feel flutters in your belly if im 10 weeks pregnant?

I am about 7-9 weeks prego and today I felt the flutters in my belly. I would have to say yes that you would be able to feel the flutters.

You kind of feel sick but your stomach feels weird like it has flutters?

i kind of feel sick. but my stomach feels weird like it has flutters

Can you feel pregnancy flutters but not be pregnant?

Pregnancy flutters are only for women who are pregnant. If you are not pregnant and believe you have it, it is something else with similar symptoms.

Is it possible to feel stomach flutters a couple of hours after intercourse?

Yes I always feel that after the passionate action.

How do you know for sure if you're in love with a guy?

If you feel completely comfortable around him and your heart flutters whenever you see him.

How early to do you feel stomach flutters pregnancy?

i have had 4 children and mine started fluttering around 10 to 12 weeks.

You have never been pregnant but the top of your stomach is sticking out and you keep feeling flutters can you be pregnant?

If you are feeling flutters in your tummy you are feeling either two things. 1: You are pregnant and you are feeling the little one or ones kicking and moving around, or 2: You have to take a dump. either way you should spend a few dollars and get a test. I hope this helps.

When you feel flutters does it mean your pregnant?

If you are feeling flutters in your tummy you are feeling either two things. 1: You are pregnant and you are feeling the little one or ones kicking and moving around, or 2: You have to take a dump. either way you should spend a few dollars and get a test. I hope this helps.

You have low backache feel sick tired flutters in your stomach can you be pregnant?

Yes! Those flutters or cramps and the low back ache could be signs that your uterus is working on expanding in preparation for growing a baby. The nausea could be from low blood sugar or progesterone production. The irony is, a low back ache and nausea can also be symptoms that menstruation is approaching.

What is the defining characteristic of a Premature ventricular contraction?

Flutters in throat and chest, dizzyness, and fatigue. Flutters in throat and chest, dizzyness, and fatigue.

Heart flutters in afternoon and night?

flutters day and night all day all night .i have a beta blocker and i am scared to death to take it

You are only a few weeks pregnant and you feel flutters like something swimming across your stomach what does that mean?

It is the first sign your baby is beginning to move, it is called fluttering,enjoy